Cairns Road Runners is a non-profit organisation providing a fun and sociable environment to promote health and fitness. All runners and walkers regardless of ability are welcome to attend.
e have something on offer for all types of runners: Road Running and Racing; Track Running; Trail Running; Fun Runs; Social Events. And training too.
We always welcome new faces, and encourage participation within the sport. You do not have to be a member of our Club to participate in our races. However, you will pay more for the race. Hope to see you at our next event!
We welcome all runners/walkers to our Club. We meet Wednesday nights year-round for a Club Run. Members, locals and visitors to the region are invited to come along. No cost, just turn up at the corner of the Esplanade and Upward Street at 5.30 pm. Our races have shorter distances to allow participants to have a go.
We also have numerous fun runs to encourage new runners and families. At all events, you can turn around earlier, if you wish! We regularly have visitors to the region join us at our events. Please feel free to come along any time.